Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Bomb with a religion.

I-pod has taken world by an unprecedented force. And had it not been for the indisputable large scale outcome of Industrial Revolution; some may have termed I-pod as the greatest revolutions of Human Kind. Not that everyone takes the insane scribblings of Wikipedia seriously and so refrain from actually terming I-Pod so; but then you can't alter beliefs; can you? However, I really think that what this world avidly awaits now is a "Bomb with a religion".

No..No..I am not saying it because today is a Friday night; and if I am staying up late writing a blog then I must be incoherent with truth and sopped with liquor! On contrary my flummoxed soberness will actually beat the undisputed atheism of a bomb also; hands down that is.

I have a very noetic belief to reason my argument. You see, a tin box full of volatile chemical combined with piercing shrapnels with an acute and indiscriminating aim; cannot asses or appraise anyone of his religious inclinations. Neither can it make a righteous judgment of his/her character and belief in designated omnipotent authority. So when one actually goes off; it potently shreds the limbs of all beings equally. Which I feel is quite unfair.

To prove my point; you tell me what good is a master who slaughters his own pupils? It would be no more than an ironical fiasco. It would be somewhat analogous to Americans choosing George Bush's administration for third time in a row; we definitely don't want that, do we? So what do we do? We instill a moral and religious police in a bomb; so that now not only human kind; which by the way isn't any human or kind if we go literally; can choose to blow up a city of people, but it can also choose "which people".

I wonder; when God created (if he did at all); all the animals and humans; while he chose to impart each characteristic with varying degree to all species; he gave religion ONLY to us. Or maybe even Dogs have religion but smarter specie that they are; they choose to ignore it (not to mention skin color too).

Whatever said and done; bored with our mundane and soporific lives; while we devise the ingenious ways to get back at humanity because we hate to live in a crowd where we are not one of our own; this world needs a bomb, bearing the morals that this world needs; because if a maker can't make a choice then a bomb must.

1 comment:

Smoothzz said...

Read "A Bomb with religion" you seem to have atheme.. keep it up bro...