Sunday, October 12, 2008

Love should come with a "Disclaimer"

Image Courtesy: Barca-q8

"All the good things in life are free". Whoever said that; probably didn't love too many and too much. Here is a perpetual truth to elucidate the minds of my prudent friends who have been living by this saying till now. NO, most of the good things in life are NOT free. And maven that you are; if your rapid counter-arguments are "Love and Happiness"; then let me tell you that happiness will probably not stick by your side for long if your spirit is the one, that is heavier than your wallet. On the other hand love and affection comes for free, only from a wet Dog looking for a warm cuddle. And considering the radical marketing that dogs get in TV commercials these days; I doubt if you'll even get a unpopular breed for about $500. That too when you don't get me started on the price tags of Dog food and flea removers.

Now that I have your eyes and ears on truth; please know that Love is in all probability, by far, the most expensive luxury you can afford. I know masses won't agree; but at the end of the day reality is that oodles don't have love; it's a prerogative of the select few. Love is like a 30 days trial software; it's ushered into your life by luck or will (most often by a wretched specie called friends); you make best of it in 30 days and before you can think or blink you are hung up on it. While hugs and passionate kisses, all come flying at you in trial period; once reality mode begins a petty gift may only qualify you for as much as a quick peck on the cheek. And as you try to feed your famishing inside to quench it's hunger for love; the "so called love" starts to eat away on your opulence; that you indubitably enjoyed once upon a time.

As rightly said "reality is stranger than fiction", let me tell you once again that this is not even the beginning of "worse" that you are going to see. As the norms would have it; all things including kickshaws that are paid for, are shipped and sold with their respective trade-offs, shortcomings and most importantly "disclaimers".

Working in warranty vertical of manufacturing; "disclaimer" is one word that is conjugated with my soul. It absolves a trader from the shackles of obligation in case of an uneventful failure of the product, "**if not used as specified". More expensive a product; more stringent and bold are it's clauses and limitations for usage.

Ironical as it is; but there is no disclaimer ever attached with love. There is no guidance, decrees or rules associated. It sounds like a sweet deal; but world that we live in; is used to "DISCLAIMERS" my friend. With the absence of disclaimers you trip over the line and before you know you are so far ahead from where you should be. So until we have "time machines" to undo the deeds that have been done; we shall rely on plain old disclaimers.

And until one is indited for love; most of the meritorious bachelors will forfeit their ambitions to the astute son of Aphrodite. Love is a deception with a charm which subterfuges your sense of reality. Once captivated; it gradually deprives you of your aspirations and dreams; Or so I think. My friends say; it's just the unstoppable nagging of the spouse that drives them crazy.

While half of the world struggles to cave their way into love; rest of the half is trying to shake away the hobbles. And as we stand here on either side; we look up to a resolution which will confine the bloodshed of dreams to only ill-fated.

Until then; like I said before; "Love should come with a Disclaimer".

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